Tourist Information
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Report a Pothole
With over 5,000 kilometres of roads, cycleways, footpaths and verges in Shropshire, it isn’t possible for Shropshire Council to inspect all of the network all of the time. You can help them by reporting any maintenance problems you see.
It is important to provide accurate details of the problem, including:
- what the problem is
- where it is located
- when you noticed the problem
- your name and contact details
Please visit Shropshire Council website to report issues.
Shropshire Cares – website has been put together to help people find information about care and health issues quickly and without too much fuss.
Older People Care services aims to help older and disabled people make their own decisions about where to live, and any support or care they need. It offers information about maintaining, adapting or improving your home; finding care or home help services; moving to retirement, sheltered or extra care housing, or to a care home; plus advice on paying for any of these. It is an independent service delivered by non-profit organisations, led by Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC).
Shropshire Rural Communities Charity (RCC) is an independent charity which has been supporting people and changing lives across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin for over 50 years. They want Shropshire to be a great place for EVERYONE to live, no matter what challenges they may face and by developing and delivering projects and services for a wide cross section of Shropshire’s residents, they aim to improve quality of life and to strengthen communities across the county
Shropshire RCC Community Fuel Buying Scheme
Joining together with neighbours to buy heating oil makes sense for everyone. Customers get a better price, oil companies can organise deliveries more efficiently, and fewer tanker journeys reduces the negative environmental impact.
Shropshire RCC organises the largest bulk oil buying scheme in Shropshire and they have helped local people save many thousands of pounds since they started in September 2011.
They are now able to offer bulk LPG and cylinders to their members at a very competitive rate.

Bridgnorth Food Bank Open every Monday (including Bank Holidays) from 10:30-12:30 but please note if you require assistance you have to be referred by one of the agencies they work with.

Citizen’s Advice Shropshire
Citizens Advice Shropshire provides advice on many topics including debt, welfare benefits and housing. By doing so, they help thousands of people to solve their problems each year
Mobile Library – details of the Mobile Library service
Tourist Information
Shropshire Walking Shropshire has over 3,500 miles of rights of way. A quarter of the county is designated as the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, so our long distance routes run through some of the most beautiful and varied landscapes you will find anywhere in Britain. A land with wild borderland hills traversed by Offa’s Dyke to the rolling fields and deep gorges through which the Severn Way passes on its way to Bristol. But it’s not all long distance walks, we have some of the best circular walks in the Country.
WALK Planner – create walks in and around Burwarton and the Shropshire area, from any point, over an Ordnance Survey map using Hikeideas. This site provides a printed version of the walk and a GPX file for use with GPS devices if wanted (so there is no excuse for getting lost!) Visit the site for more information –
Shropshire Riding Shropshire is blessed with over 600 miles of byways and bridleways, criss-crossing their way through the countryside. And what countryside! In the south we have the horse-friendly peaks of the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. In the north, a varied lowland of canals, rivers, meres and mosses giving way to the ancient hills of the Shropshire-Wales border. If you want to find out about the best places to walk, trot or canter, this is the site for you. That’s because they have packed it full of information, from where to ride to where to stay.
Shropshire Cycling All the cycle routes in Shropshire can be viewed on their interactive map, or you can download copies of leaflets showing routes across Shropshire. You can also pick up copies of their cycle leaflets at your local visitor information centre. In addition, you can use online cycle journey planners to plan your route. – See more at:
Shropshire Tourism About Shropshire, Places to Stay, Things to Do, What’s On. The official Tourism website for Shropshire.
Emergency Services
NHS 111
NHS 111 is the free number to call when you have an urgent healthcare need. It directs you to the right local service, first time. It is available across the whole of England making it easier for you to access urgent healthcare services when you need medical help fast.
It is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones
When should you call it?
- You need medical help fast, but it’s not a 999 emergency
- You don’t know who to call for medical help or you don’t have a GP to call
- You think you need to go to A&E or another NHS urgent care service but are not sure which one is most appropriate
- You require health advice or reassurance about what to do next
When you call 111 you will be assessed by fully trained advisers who are supported by experienced nurses and paramedics. They will ask you questions to assess your symptoms and give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you straightaway to the local service that can help you best.
If the NHS 111 team think you need an ambulance, they will send one immediately.
Shropshire Doctors Co-operative Ltd (Shropdoc) provides urgent medical services for patients when their own surgery is closed and whose needs cannot safely wait until the surgery is next open, i.e. evenings, weekends and bank holidays.
If you need urgent medical attention that will not wait until your own surgery is next open, call 08444 06 88 88.
For emergency Dental issues please phone 111
If your condition can not wait for 1½ hours this is likely to be an emergency Please dial 999 Eg: Choking, Chest Pain, Blacking out, Blood loss.
Brown Clee Medical Practice Ditton Surgery, Station Road, Ditton Priors, Shropshire, WV16 6SS. Tel: 01746 712672
Bridgnorth Medical Practice Northgate Health Centre, Northgate, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4EN. Tel: 01746 767121
Highley Medical Centre Bridgnorth Road, Highley, Shropshire, WV16 6HG. Tel: 01746 861572
Much Wenlock and Cressage Medical Practice Kingsway Lodge, King Street, Much Wenlock, TF13 6BL. Tel: 01952 726011
Shropshire Fire and Rescue
Bridgnorth Fire Station, Innage Lane, WV16 4HL. Phone: 01743 260 200 – See more at:

Police – Cleobury and Highley Team
Phone: 101
(In an emergency always call 999)
West Mercia is the fourth largest geographic police area in England and Wales. The force area is divided into five territorial policing areas, which match the boundaries of our local authorities.
While West Mercia is predominantly rural, it also contains some densely populated urban areas and many market towns. To ensure we strike the right balance between addressing national and local policing priorities, the force focuses its activities on three priority areas:
- Serving
- Protecting the public
- Making the difference
West Midlands Ambulance Trust
The Trust serves a population of 5.6 million people covering an area of more than 5,000 square miles made up of Shropshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Coventry, Birmingham and Black Country conurbation.
As the regions emergency ambulance service, they respond to around 3,000 ‘999’ calls each day. To manage that level of demand, they employ approximately 4,000 staff and operate from 16 new fleet preparation hubs across the region and a network of over 90 Community Ambulance Stations.
The trust provides the local NHS 111 service