Category: News

Burwarton Local News

November 2023 Meeting Minutes

September 2021 Meeting Minutes

Annual Government Statement 2022/23


Notice Of Public Rights & publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return

Vacancy For a Councillor




    that a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor 


 1st December, 2022 of Councillor Mark Steele

Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules, 2006 now applies.

The rule allows TEN ELECTORS for the Aston Botterell, Burwarton and Cleobury North Parish in which the casual vacancy has arisen to request the Returning Officer to hold an election to fill the vacancy.* That request must be made within FOURTEEN DAYS, calculated in accordance with the rules,** of the date of this notice.  The fourteen-day period ends on 22nd December

Where ten valid requests for a by-election are received by the Returning Officer then under the provisions of The Local Government and Police and Crime Commissioner (Coronavirus) (Postponement of Elections and Referendums) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 the vacancy in the office of Councillor would, subject to further legislation, be filled at the poll at the next ordinary election of Councillors.  

What if a request to hold an election is not received during the permitted time? 

Rule 5(5) of the above Rules will apply.  The Parish Council must, as soon as practicable after the expiry of the fourteen-day period, co-opt a person to fill the vacancy.

The Returning Officer’s address is:

Electoral Services, Shropshire Council, 

The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY2 6ND

The telephone number for further guidance is 0345 678 9015.

This notice is dated 2nd December, 2022

Eileen Reynolds

* There is no form of words for this request, which might simply be a letter headed with such words as “We the undersigned being electors for the [Ward of] … Parish, call for an election to fill the vacancy arising from the [death][resignation] of …”.  A template entitled “Request for an Election” is available to download from Shropshire Council’s website – – under “Current Council Vacancies”.  It is helpful if the ten signatures are accompanied by printed names and addresses.  

** In calculating the notice period, day one is the day following the date of this notice; a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday or a Bank Holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning shall be disregarded, and the period closes at midnight on the fourteenth day after the date of this notice. Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules, 2006 now applies.

Notice of Public Rights And Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return (exempt authority)

Notice Of Uncontested Election

Election of Parish Councillors

Notice Of Election

Age Uk

Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin have older people who need some help in their own homes and are therefore recruiting casual, part-time home support workers to reduce their waiting list. No personal care in involved and will be mainly practical tasks such as cleaning, shopping and collecting prescriptions, laundry and gardening. A driving licence and own transport is preferred and the post is subject to a disclosure and baring service check. Please call 01743 233 788 to request an application form and for more information on our Help at Home service visit our website:

Parish Council meetings

Message from Dianne Dorrell at SALC

We now have the outcome of the High Court Judgement on remote meetings which means that Town and Parish Councils may only hold remote meetings up to and including Thursday 6th May.  From Friday 7th May, Councils must meet face to face.  If your parish council wishes to call a remote meeting prior to the deadline, please bear in mind that Sundays and Bank Holiday cannot be included in the ‘three clear days’ but Saturdays can.

Responding to today’s judgement in the High Court on holding remote meetings, Cllr Sue Baxter, chair of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC), said:

“I am extremely disappointed that the application to the High Court regarding remote meetings has been dismissed.

“All councils must now return to holding physical meetings from 7 May. This includes around 2,000 local (parish and town) councils with elections who must hold an annual meeting in May following those elections.

“Such physical meetings, to which all members of the public are entitled to attend, will result in both a health risk given the current pandemic and significant additional costs incurred by councils in securing suitable venues which allow social distancing and other safety measures.

“Over the last year, the ability to hold remote meetings has delivered extensive benefits including leading to increased participation and engagement by members of the public with their most local council and the decisions they make about their local areas from tackling climate change to improving health and well being and the provision of highly valued local services.

“Given the government’s apparent support for allowing remote meetings, including their evidence to the Court Hearing, I am appealing to ministers to pull out all the stops over the coming days and weeks to introduce the necessary primary legislation. The Scottish and Welsh Governments have already passed legislation to allow for remote meetings and I urge the Government to follow their lead.”

Notice of Poll

Police and Crime Commissioner Election Notice of poll

Shropshire Council: Election of a Councillor

The attached is a statement of the persons nominated for election as a Councillor for Brown Clee

Election of the Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Mercia Police Area

An Election is to be held for a Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia Police Area.

Latest Time for Submission of the Election Addresses of Candidates to the Police Area Returning Officer 12 noon on Thursday 8th April 2021

Nomination papers must be delivered by hand to the Police Area Returning Officer at the Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND between 10am and 4pm on any working day after publication of this notice but no later than 4pm on Thursday 8 April 2021


Please see attached Notice of Election for Shropshire Council Councillors with details of how to obtain and submit nomination papers and the timetable for the election

How what3words can help us #KnowExactlyWhere

what3words is now used by 80% emergency services in the UK (including West Mercia Police, Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service and West Midlands Ambulance Service) and has helped to locate nearly 4,000 incidents since it first started being used. It can also be used to help us locate incidents more easily.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is LocateRuralCrime_Twitter.png

Their system has given every 3m square in the world a unique
identifier made of 3 words – making the location of any emergency
or incident very easy to describe and share. For example
///tortoises.swarm.announce will take you to a precise location
on Ben Nevis where, in February 2020, a group of hikers were

To report an incident using what3words:

  1. Download the free what3words app
  2. When you are at the location of the incident open the app and
    tap the arrow icon for current location
  3. Share with the emergency service, the 3 words displayed at the top of the screen
  4. You can also use the photo icon to take a picture of the incident
    and it will automatically add its what3words address

Make sure you have it downloaded on your phone and know how to
use it, to help you have it to hand should you come across an incident or even need to guide the emergency services to your home or that of a neighbour.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is KnowExactlyWhere-what3words-app-demo.png

Smartwater distribution

In February, the Parish Council started to supply free packs of SmartWater to each household in the Parish.  During the Lockdown, the Police have kindly co-operated by posting some packs direct to residents, however a few have been returned as ‘not known at this address’.  If you have not received your pack please e.mail the Parish Clerk with your name and address and one will be sent to you.

Eileen Reynolds, Clerk to the Parish Council

Smartwater Collection 12th March

The Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands, John Campion has invited Parish Councils to join a scheme to supply Smartwater to every household.

Smartwater contains a unique forensic code, which, once applied, enables equipment to be traced back to the owner. It is easy to apply and needs only a spot the size of a pinhead to identify property, it is almost impossible to remove and is guaranteed for 5 years.

The Smartwater has been purchased by the Parish Council and will be supplied FREE Of CHARGE to Parishioners of Aston Botterell, Burwarton and Cleobury North, who will be able to collect and register their pack at Cleobury North Village Hall on Thursday 12th March 2020 between 4pm and 7pm.


Please find attached Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return

Help To Heat Grants


OIL, BOTTLED GAS AND ELECTRIC heated properties receive high funding rates for heating and insulation upgrades

If you are on a low income with limited savings and either high costs or a vulnerability to the cold, you could qualify for Help to Heat funding.

In many cases we are able to access full funding for off-gas boiler replacements or storage heater upgrades – with no need to be in receipt of benefits.

We can also assess your eligibility for grants towards fuel costs and give energy saving advice.

Many of our initial calls are made on behalf of neighbours, family and or friends—so if you think you know someone in need of support we’d be happy to receive your call.

0800 112 3743

Keep Shropshire Warm is a partnership between Shropshire Council and Marches Energy Agency, a registered charity specialising in energy advice. Visit

How does Keep Shropshire Warm select installer partners

Flex Poster KSW

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